Immersion & Interactivity Workshop
Interdisciplinary two-day workshop exploring the possibilities of emerging creative technologies for creating immersive experiences, using VR, projection mapping, sound and interactivity. Organised by Dr. Martina Cleary and facilitated by Machiel Veltkamp & Maarten Overdijk from the Research Centre for Learning in Interaction, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.
With the support of Dr. Nuala Harding and Lory Russo
Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and Development (CPID)
Colleagues from the Dept of Fine Art & Education, LSAD,
Michael Minnis, Lorraine Neeson, Breda Lynch, Pamela Dunne and Annette Bowman.
PhD researchers Aislinn O’Keeffe & Jo Kimmins and students from the MFA, and BA programmes of Painting, and Photography Moving Image at LSAD.
HKU Utrecht
Visit to new and immersive technologies lab at HKU University of the Arts to see workshop in progress with Machiel and Simone.
Immersive Tech Week Rotterdam
Immersive Tech Week Rotterdam
Five intensive days catching up with the best of whats happening now in immersive and emerging creative technologies.