Jo Kimmins
Water has been the unswerving constant at every fragment of our evolution and history, it holds the secret of life and is the vibrating energy that unites us all. Today there is a very real anthropogenic threat to clean water in our environment. This mysterious substance refuses to obey the laws of physics. Throughout history it has been revered by man who claims it is a gateway to other worlds, holds healing, magical properties and possibly a memory. Using diverse lens-based equipment I will experiment to capture the inner essence of this transient world of water and light. By studying and penetrating the inner world of water where I will unlock and reveal water’s mysteries. This process will transmogrify the ordinary and the quotidian into the wonderful and extraordinary. The nucleus of my research and experimentation will be the documentation of the waters of Ireland’s Holy Wells, which are an ancient and mysterious part of the Irish landscape. The outcome will be a new way of conceptualising documentary photography offering a more artistic and poetical visual translation. Creating a contemplation into the mysteries, inspiration and wonders of water helping the viewer to reassess our relationship with the natural world. Taking documentary photography beyond the comfort of basic photography creating experimental, conceptual photography and an innovative installation.